Conservation, Education and Rehabilitation of Birds of Prey
A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Tennessee Corporation

Education Programs
Introducing you to the world of raptors through local educational outreach presentations and programs.
Until we have a fully-operational center of our own, we take our education programs on the road and bring the world of raptors to you in your setting. While we'll do a program just about anywhere, there are a couple strict rules we follow:
1) The environment must be safe for the birds.
2) For safety of both you and the birds, we cannot allow you to handle, pet, or hold them.
We've visited schools, churches, scout groups, civic groups, science centers, festivals, and all sorts of settings where our birds of prey have sparked the imaginations of many.
Due to high demand and costs to feed and house our education ambassadors, we do charge for education programs based on the distance to your venue and the number of birds you request, and the length of the program you would like. Know that 100% of the funds associated with education programs are used directly for bird care. Have questions? Please contact us for more information and pricing.